In Defense of
Black Men
YouTuber Samantha Cooker says that White men make better husbands than Black men. Is this true? Read on to see if you agree.
Covid-19: Is there a Natural Prevention?
Regardless of its origin, Covid-19 is real, and it is deadly. The National Institutes of Health has conducted studies which indicate that there is a simple and very effective way to prevent and treat Covid-19.
Do Fathers Give Life?
Many people believe that life begins at birth, and others believe it begins at conception. But when does a new human life begin? Read on to discover the answer.
How the Body Eats
Are you starving your body when you eat? Find out in less than two minutes.
Do Women’s Lives Matter?
According to the World Health Organization and the CDC, more than 600,000 thousand women died in 2021, all from the same, avoidable cause, and even more are expected to die this year. This happens EVERY year. Does anyone care? What can be done? Most of these women never even knew their lives were ever at risk. Is yours?
Read on to find out.
Candida and Weight Loss
Candida albicans is one of the most common of the more than 20 different species of Candida yeasts found naturally in the human gut. While it is normal and healthy to have it, problems occur when…
No More Dating Advice
Science and biology tell us everything we need to know.
Examining Teen Pregnancy Initiatives
Many public health issues arise because of the belief that humans become adults when they reach the age of 18.
What Does it Mean?
What does being acidic or alkaline say about your health? Take just a few short minutes and find out!
the Weight Loss Superfood
Why Do They Work?
You eat one way, but your body eats another. Your body has a brain of its own! Beans work for weight loss simply because…